Cotehele is a medieval house with Tudor additions, situated in the parish of Calstock in the east of Cornwall, England. It belonged to the Edgecumbe family from 1353 until it passed to the National Trust in 1947. Rich tapestries, works of art, four poster beds and timeworn steps are to be found throughout the property.
However the house also has a permanent resident, a girl dressed in white. It's said her presence manifests as a scent of herbs. However it's not uncommon to see her. It is said that when the fifth Earl was dying, a nurse from Tavistock was called to tend him. While attending to the Earl, she saw a woman dressed in white stroll through the room. Now being a newcomer to the house, the nurse assumed it must have been the housekeeper. However, when she met the housekeeper later, she couldn't help noticing that she was dressed in black, and so asked 'Have you changed your dress because when you passed through the Earl's room you were in a white dress?’ The housekeeper replied: ‘You must have seen the ghost, for I have worn this dress all day and have not been near the Earl's room today.'
Mrs Phyllis Julyan, who has lived at Cotehele for many years, recounts a sighting of the girl in white at Christmastime 1980. A friend had called with her husband to wish Mrs Julyan the compliments of the season. However after the visit, this lady asked whether Mrs Julyan had a young girl staying with her, a girl with long hair and wearing a white, flimsy dress. For she and her husband had seen such a girl on the main staircase as they had been leaving…
To this very day, visitors to this fine old house often ask about the long haired girl in white who seems to live there...
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