Tuesday, 24 October 2023

Hypnogoria Halloween Advent Calendar - Door 24 - The Old Grandmother's Warning

Door 24 - The Old Grandmother's Warning

Take care my child when walking home alone, 
When the sun is catched in gnarled boughs of trees, 
And red beams bleed through scratchy twigs and leaves 

Take care my child and always come straight home, 
Never stray or stop to play in the park, 
For there are hungry shadows in the dark 

Take care my child and hurry quickly home, 
When copses chew on the last bites of light, 
Crooked shadows will reach out to bar your flight 

Take care my child and run, run swift for home, 
For that shadowy shape flitting in the woods 
Is a raggedy horror in a blood-stained hood... 

Extract from Songs of the Red Vale: A Treasury ed. Robert Bowen (Haining Press 1863)

DIRECT DOWNLOAD Door 24 - The Old Grandmother's Warning

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