Thursday 4 August 2016


Welcome to the first in a new series of occasional blog entries. As some of you may know, for the last few years I've been writing a regular (well, mostly) weekly feature called Folklore on Friday in which we explore various old tales, legends and superstitions. However over the years, several little articles have turned into longer works and have been released in parts over several weeks. So then, I thought it would be a good idea to occasionally put a post together collecting all the links to assorted series together in one place... 

Over  the years several items have been discovered that are said to been the work of the faeries. Of course, few of these objects have offered convincing evidence of the existence of the Little People, but these objects do have some interesting tales to tell nonetheless... 

If you're wondering where Fairy Finds II is, that mini series of articles will be collected together next time...

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